Several days ago I wrote about 9 Great Things About FreeNAS. These were some ideas and uses for FreeNAS in general, whether it's at home or work. Here are some more reasons you may want to use FreeNAS, at work!
- Use existing old hardware - This will run well with your boss.
- You don't need hardware - Run it as a VM, saves you from having to use any new or old computing equipment!
- No Monitor needed - Once configured, you probably won't touch the physical box again!
- Speed up networking - By using it as a Windows Workgroup Master Browser, you can turn off the Browser service on your workstations. Which should reduce network traffic in a workgroup setting.
- No user accounts to regulate as a public share - One of my favorite features, create one box for anonymous access so you have access to often accessed installs and drivers.
- Can integrate with AD - I have not tried this yet, but I see an option to integrate it with AD accounts!
- Can function as a standalone server - You don't need Active Directory or anything else to make this functional.
- Quick setup for projects - You can set one up as a project server, once over you can easily turn it off.
- Run it from LiveCD - You don't even need to install it (if you don't need to reboot and save settings). It can function very well off a LiveCD. I have one system running this way for some time now!
You can buy the Learning FreeNAS: Configure and manage a network attached storage solution
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