Quick Tips

Why I Joined Twitter


I never thought I would join twitter, but I just did so today. Why did I join? I had read some favorable comments on some blogs over the weekend and decided it might be worth a few minutes a day to be on it. To make the most of it, I've downloaded Twitterberry for my blackberry, so I don't end up paying for SMS cell phone charges. For more blackberry applications and tips, check out my posts labeled blackberry on FrugalNYC.

For those of you who do not know what twitter is, its a cross between IM (instant messaging) and a blog. That's how I see it at least. Though the "posts" or tweets are limited to 140 characters each. This should be interesting. What will I use it for? I think my twitter will have some previews of upcoming post ideas, along with interesting website links I find.

Are you a member of twitter? Have you checked out my FrugalNYC post about Interesting Twitters? If you know of any interesting twitter accounts let me know.

For additional links to tips and tricks follow me on Twitter. If you would like to contribute to FrugalNYC or FrugalTech in any way (guest posts, articles, ideas, interesting links, advice, financial assistance, or anything else), feel free to contact me via email. Click here to add this to your RSS reader or Subscribe to FrugalTech by Email.


CS McClellan/Catana said...

I did it! After following the discussion on Wise Bread, I finally broke down and now I'm a twitterer. You're my second followee. Is there such a word?


And yes, sour milk is a great substitute in baking if you don't have (can't affor) cream. I often sour the milk just for a recipe.

FrugalNYC said...

@Catana, Glad to have you as a follower on Twitter. I've tried the sour milk for pancakes and it works great! Thanks for visiting my blog!

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